Dear Refuge,
It’s not a campaign or a program. It’s our mission!! People are our mission. Jesus came into this
world to seek and to save all those He created. The purpose of the Refuge is simply, “to bring
hope to hurting people through Jesus.” And the greatest way to bring hope is by telling people
and showing them how to walk with Jesus in a personal way.
How can you participate? It’s simple and easy. Commit to join Pastor Scott and the rest of The
Refuge by taking a white sharpie and sign your name on the banner. Then take an index card that
we are providing and write down in the upper right-hand corner the name of one person you
believe God has laid upon your heart to form a relationship with and commit to share the gospel
with during this calendar year. Then under the phrase, “My Few” begin to write down names of
people you know who either don’t know Christ, or who don’t have a church home. What then?
1. Pray over the names as often as you look at your card. I, (Pastor Scott) keep mine in my
Bible so I see it every day when I do my Bible reading.
2. Ask God to allow your lives to intersect through the week so you can develop a relationship
with them.
3. Look for ways to intentionally intersect with those on your one/few list. Invite them to
coffee, over to eat, go to a movie and just hang out with them.
4. Use this card as a “contact list” to invite them to your MC, DNA, or Refuge worship
5. Remember these are people and not projects. They are people God loves and desires to bring
to a relationship with His Son. Some people might be easy to win to Christ or to invite to
church, but others might take years. Don’t take their name off because they reject the gospel,
won’t come to church, or won’t develop a relationship with you. As long as they are on your
card, you can pray for them and pursue a relationship with them.
6. Over time, as you meet people who either don’t know the Lord or don’t have a church home,
add them to your list. If you are actively seeking, your “few” will turn to “many”.
7. Remember, everything is about relationships. Everything! Every conversation you have
ought to be about pointing people to Jesus or encouraging people in Jesus.
We are family!
We are servants!
We are missionaries!
Pastor Scott